Extracting extra income from your company
It’s that time when the Christmas financial hangover hits and your self-assessment bill is on the way, so you might need a little extra from your company to get you through. What are the most tax-efficient options?
Taking advantage of the employment allowance
If you’re worried about the cost to your business of the hike in employers’ NI from April 2025, the higher employment allowance (EA) might alleviate some of the pain. But will you qualify and are there any traps to avoid?
Need extra cash? Borrow from your company tax free
As a company owner manager if you borrow cash from your company HMRC applies tax charges on you and your business. However, it’s possible to legitimately avoid these and benefit from a tax-free loan indefinitely. What’s involved?
Tax and building a workspace at home
Antonia is a self-employed childminder. She’s having an extension built on her home in which she’ll run her business. Is she is entitled to a tax deduction for any of the construction costs?
BADR - is there a problem for cash-rich companies?
Your company ceased trading several months back and you’re about to wind it up. The trouble is it has substantial cash investments. Will this affect your entitlement to business asset disposal relief (BADR)?
Christmas gifts - the perennial tax question
It’s that time of year when thoughts turn to schmoozing customers and incentivising your workers with Christmas goodies. Choosing suitable gifts is easy, understanding the tax treatment less so. What’s to know?