Ensure suppliers don’t charge VAT incorrectly
HMRC officers will often check that a business has not claimed input tax on supplies that should be exempt, zero-rated or outside the scope of VAT. It can only claim correctly charged VAT. What are the three main risk areas that businesses should be aware of to avoid a problem with HMRC?
Escaping the directors’ NI trap
Payroll software works out the correct amount of NI contributions on employees’ salaries but when a director is appointed or resigns special rules apply which can throw the figures out. What steps can be taken to avoid this trap?
Taking advantage of exemptions for entertainment
Generally, the cost of business entertainment isn’t a tax-deductible expense. However, it can be where it relates to employees. How far does this exception stretch and does it make staff entertainment tax efficient?
Tax efficiency for directors of state pension age
A director of a small company reached state pension age and so is no longer liable to NI on salary. To improve tax efficiency should they change how they take income from the company, especially in view of the extra tax payable on dividends from 6 April 2022?
Tax-efficient bonuses for directors
A company’s accounting period is ending soon and the directors want to pay a bonus so the company can reduce its corporation tax bill. The trouble is they don’t want to pay tax on it until the following year. Is this possible?
Change in policy for VAT on termination payments
HMRC is changing its policy on termination payments. As a result, some businesses will be entitled to a VAT refund while others will owe more. What’s the full story?