Latest News
No simple trading test for holiday let landlords
The furnished holiday lettings regime is due be abolished next year. HMRC has recently dismissed the introduction of a simple test to distinguish between property letting and trading. How might you be affected, and what does the announcement of a summer General Election mean for you?
New interactive tool for transition period profit reporting published
If you are a sole trader, or a partner, reporting your profits could be more complicated this year due to the basis period reform. How can a new online tool help?
Were capital losses deductible for income tax?
The First-tier Tribunal (FTT) recently considered if an individual was entitled to tax relief for losses when a company he invested in went bust. It ought to have been simple but a refinancing deal complicated matters. What did the FTT decide?
Rogue refunds of Class 2 NI due to HMRC failure
HMRC has incorrectly refunded Class 2 NI to some self-employed taxpayers. What should you do if you get an unexpected payment?
New online service for voluntary contributions goes live
If you have gaps in your NI history, you can pay voluntary contributions to increase your entitlement to certain benefits, e.g. the state pension. You can now do this online. How do you access the new service?
Deadline for child benefit tax
Changes to the high income child benefit charge mean some couples will pay less tax. Others can also benefit but must take steps to do so. What’s required and when?